Helpful hints for your visit
Helpful hints for your visit !
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A visit to the Préhistomuseum lasts on average about 4 hours but may well take longer if you feel like indulging your curiosity and taking your time. Best allow for a full day of family adventure.
Bring your baby carrier or sling with you as well as your pushchair, which you can leave in the main building.
The Museum is equipped with baby changing tables.
For younger children, we even have spare clothes available in the event of little accidents!
Kit out your tribe as you would for a walk in the forest.
The Museum provides a free locker service.
For lunch, you can count on our partner, the Archéobistrot, for a delicious selection to tempt young and old alike, with something for every budget.
You will also find quiet spots in which to breastfeed, or a microwave to heat up baby food.
Shop open 7 days a week.
If you would like to find somewhere to stay in Liège province, here are some hotels on offer via our partners, Visitezliege.be and Tripadvisor.
Good news: parking is free!
We have a drop-off point where you can drop the members of your tribe before parking in car park P1 (100m away). Reserved parking spaces are provided alongside the drop-off point for persons with reduced mobility.